Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Loss of Retirement Income Benefit Changes

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board sets aside funds to replace a worker's lost retirement income if a worker has received loss of earnings (LOE) payments for 12 continuous months. The funds equal 5% of the amount of every subsequent LOE payment. You can also contribute an additional 5% of your benefits to the fund.

When you reach the age of 65, you are to receive the Loss of Retirement Income (LRI) benefit. The amount of the LRI benefit is the sum of the mandatory contributions, the voluntary contributions and the accumulated investment income.

The Board has increased the monetary threshold of when they pay a lump sum amount. If the Loss of Retirement Benefit equals a payment amount of less than $3000 per year, your benefit will be paid as a lump sum. If the amount of the benefit is more than $3000 per year you cannot take the money out as a lump sum. You will be given a choice of 3 payment schemes and different investment options. You should carefully consider the consequences of the choices and their impact on your estate.

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